Category: Immigration Reform

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Hundreds Attend Reform Rally

Hundreds Attend Reform Rally

By ALEX ROHR Daily News-Record HARRISONBURG — A scattered, motley force of hundreds of people sur­rounded the south steps of Rockingham County Circuit Courthouse Wednesday evening ...

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Immigration reform proposal of keen interest in Va.

Immigration reform proposal of keen interest in Va.

 BY MARKUS SCHMIDTRichmond Times-Dispatch ...

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AP’s Dropping of ‘Illegal Immigrant’ Could Have Wide Ramifications for Media

AP’s Dropping of ‘Illegal Immigrant’ Could Have Wide Ramifications for Media

By Jack Mirkinson decision by the Associated Press to drop the term "illegal immigra ...

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Key Senate chairman worries immigration overhaul pace too slow

Key Senate chairman worries immigration overhaul pace too slow

By Rosalind S. Helderman chairman of the Se ...

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Opposition to Immigration Law Is Falling Away

Opposition to Immigration Law Is Falling Away

By Ashley Parker and Michael D. Shear ...

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Immigration Reform Overview

Immigration Reform Overview

We believe in comprehensive immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship. Our vision of reform includes immigrants and native-born U.S. citizens working shoulder to shou ...

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Supervisors Take No Action To Renew 287g

Supervisors Take No Action To Renew 287g

  The following article appeared in the Daily News-Record in Harrisonburg, VA. Access the Daily News-Record online at Supervisors Take No Action To Renew 2 ...

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Undocumented Youth in VA – Cautiously Optimistic about Deferred Action

Undocumented Youth in VA – Cautiously Optimistic about Deferred Action

By: Monique Coppola & Stephanie Carroll Carson, Public News Service- VA 12, 2012ARLINGTON, Va. ...

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Virginia Organizing Volunteer, Fernando Perez, Speaks Out About Supreme Court Immigration Ruling

Virginia Organizing Volunteer, Fernando Perez, Speaks Out About Supreme Court Immigration Ruling

Elizabeth Lamb Please click here to watch the video June 25, 2012 Some of Virginia's delegates said illegal immigration affects the entire country. Similar policies have been up f ...

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Obama announces shift in deportation policy

Obama announces shift in deportation policy

Tom Cohen, CNNJune 15, 2012 Washington (CNN) -- In an election-year policy change, the Obama administration ...

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