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Water Conservation Tips

Water Conservation Tips

March 22nd was World Water Day, an increasingly popular day to celebrate and give us pause to consider our water use and conservation efforts. Water is a precious and limited reso ...

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Resistance Among Landowners to Pipeline Routes Spreads

Resistance Among Landowners to Pipeline Routes Spreads

Originally posted by the Public News Service on March 24, 2015. RICHMOND, Va. - Huge pipelines intended to carry Marcellus and Utica natural gas to eastern markets are running int ...

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Five-Year Plans: Celebrating the Affordable Care Act and Looking Forward

Five-Year Plans: Celebrating the Affordable Care Act and Looking Forward

By Dottie Holtz The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) has accomplished what 100 years of health care reform could not—for the first time, we have the lowest number ...

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Up From Debt: Debra’s Story

Up From Debt: Debra’s Story

Virginia Organizing participated in The Alliance for a Just Society's Up From Debt conference in March. Debra Grant shared her story (watch below). Have you ever been trapped in a ...

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Poor Vision Through Rose-Colored Glasses

Poor Vision Through Rose-Colored Glasses

Originally posted by The Commonwealth Institute on March 12, 2015. The Virginian-Pilot published an excellent editorial last week putting the seemingly rosy state budget news into ...

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Virginia Organizing looks to revive Wythe, Bland Chapter

Virginia Organizing looks to revive Wythe, Bland Chapter

Originally posted by the Wytheville Enterprise on March 10, 2015. For the past 20 years, Virginia Organizing has addressed issues that affect the quality of life of Wythe and Blan ...

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Do you ‘top off’ your gas tank?

Do you ‘top off’ your gas tank?

Climate change necessitates that each of us work at reducing our carbon footprint (the amount of carbon dioxide we emit into the atmosphere by our actions and lifestyle). One way ...

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Va. school boards’ anti-discrimination stands can mention sexual orientation

Va. school boards’ anti-discrimination stands can mention sexual orientation

Originally posted on the Washington Post on March 4, 2015. RICHMOND — Local school boards have the authority to include sexual orientation and gender identity in their anti-discri ...

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The Two Americas of Health Care

The Two Americas of Health Care

On February 25, 2015, The New York Times posted a video on "How King v. Burwell, the latest Supreme Court challenge to the Affordable Care Act, could create two American health ca ...

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High Stakes

High Stakes

Originally posted by The Half Sheet on March 4, 2015. Quality, affordable health coverage for hundreds of thousands of Virginians is under attack yet again. Today, the Supreme Cou ...

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