Category: The Issues

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It’s Going to Be Two Huge Weeks for Health Care

It’s Going to Be Two Huge Weeks for Health Care

Over the next couple weeks you will be hearing a lot about the health care law. March 23 marks the two-year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act being signed into law. The follo ...

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The Health Care Law in Virginia: 10 Big Things in 2 Years

The Health Care Law in Virginia: 10 Big Things in 2 Years

The Affordable Care Act turns two years old on March 23! We are celebrating the fact that the health care law is already helping Virginia’s small businesses, young people, s ...

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Last Way on Last Day: Bad Choices, Bad Outcomes

Last Way on Last Day: Bad Choices, Bad Outcomes

Another General Assembly session has gone by, and once again our elected leaders have missed the opportunity to make Better Choices for Virginia. While no final budget has been ag ...

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Virginia Organizing to Host Forum on What a Bad State Budget Will Mean for Fredericksburg

Virginia Organizing to Host Forum on What a Bad State Budget Will Mean for Fredericksburg

Community Budget Forum: What Bad Budgets Mean To Us   FREDERICKSBURG-As the Virginia General Assembly continues budget negotiations, Virginia Organizing is hosting a forum on ...

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10 Ways in 10 Days: Our Struggling Cities

10 Ways in 10 Days: Our Struggling Cities

 Lawmakers in Richmond are dodging the hard choices and forcing localities to pick up the slack. Many of the cuts and changes to state programs proposed in current budgets am ...

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10 Ways in 10 Days: Abandoning the Most Vulnerable

10 Ways in 10 Days: Abandoning the Most Vulnerable

 This legislative session Virginia lawmakers have supported measures that would give tax breaks to people who buy luxury yachts as well as gold, silver, and platinum bullion. ...

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Virginia’s Attorney General: Breaking the Law Is OK

Virginia’s Attorney General: Breaking the Law Is OK

Crossposted at HCAN's blog.  Virginia’s Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli says it is OK to break the law as long as you think there won’t be any penalties.At a ...

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10 Ways in 10 Days: Loopholes in Virginia’s Budget Foundation

10 Ways in 10 Days: Loopholes in Virginia’s Budget Foundation

Virginia, along with several other states, entered into a settlement with the banking industry over wrongful foreclosures of the homes of Virginia citizens. Of the $69,657,121 the ...

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10 Ways in 10 Days: Precious Metals vs. Healthy Kids

10 Ways in 10 Days: Precious Metals vs. Healthy Kids

More than 1,350 of Virginia's most vulnerable children and their families could lose access to health care and social services as a result of cuts to CHIP of Virginia (Compreh ...

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10 Ways in 10 Days: Preserving Loopholes, Cutting Virginia’s Teachers

10 Ways in 10 Days: Preserving Loopholes, Cutting Virginia’s Teachers

The Hanover County School Board has had to eliminate more than 88 full time jobs in Hanover County Schools because ongoing state cuts to education funding require localities to pi ...

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