Category: The Issues

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TOOLKIT: MoveOurMoney/VirginiaOrganizing Divest from the Big Banks

TOOLKIT: MoveOurMoney/VirginiaOrganizing Divest from the Big Banks

Virginia Organizing has joined with the New Bottom Line, a coaltion or organizations nationwide, in working with congregations, unions, and community organizations across the coun ...

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VIDEO: Bank of America’s Trick or Treat Predatory Lending Scheme

VIDEO: Bank of America’s Trick or Treat Predatory Lending Scheme

Happy Halloween!  There is nothing spookier than the big banks profiting off of millions of illegal foreclosures, taking billions of dollars in taxpayer funded bailouts and t ...

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Virginians Hurt by Discriminatory Mortgage Practices

Virginians Hurt by Discriminatory Mortgage Practices

Crossposted on Take Me Home VirginiaA mortgage company from Midlothian VA has recently settled with the U.S. Justice Department because of discriminatory mortgage practices:C& ...

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McWhorter: Taking Cantor Out of His Comfort Zone

McWhorter: Taking Cantor Out of His Comfort Zone

Ladelle McWhorter serves as vice chair of the state governing board of Virginia Organizing. When she is not fighting for social justice with Virginia Organizing, she is the James ...

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Americans for Prosperity Spotsy Strip Mall “Rally”: Bravely defending the 1 percent, until Krogers needs the parking spaces.

Americans for Prosperity Spotsy Strip Mall “Rally”: Bravely defending the 1 percent, until Krogers needs the parking spaces.

Crossposted at Blue Virginia On Tuesday evening, a group of Virginia Organizing members attended an Americans for Prosperity-sponsored rally in Spotsylvania. The event wasn’ ...

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Ehrenthal: The Dangerous Myth of Supply Side Economics

Ehrenthal: The Dangerous Myth of Supply Side Economics

During the late 1940's and 1950s, a vibrant middle class developed in the United States. Manufacturing grew and prospered and so did the workers who were making a living wage and ...

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Like not breathing in lead? Thank the EPA.

Like not breathing in lead? Thank the EPA.

From presidential hopeful Mitt Romney to  Rep. Cantor, conservative politicians want to gut the protections that keep our families healthy and hold reckless companies account ...

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Wednesday, October 26: Jewish Community Hosts Loudoun Candidates’ Forum, Spotlight on THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS

Wednesday, October 26: Jewish Community Hosts Loudoun Candidates’ Forum, Spotlight on THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS

Jewish Community Hosts Loudoun Candidates’ Forum Spotlight on THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORSLeisure World Lansdowne, 19375 Magnolia Grove Square, Lansdowne2:00 – 4:00pmNearl ...

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VIDEO: Cantor running scared

VIDEO: Cantor running scared

Have you heard about Representative Eric Cantor canceling his speech is Philadelphia?As you know, Rep. Cantor rarely holds public meetings and it’s clear that he cares a lot ...

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Rolling Out the Un-Welcome Mat for Cantor in Philly

Rolling Out the Un-Welcome Mat for Cantor in Philly

Cross-posted at Blue VirginiaRep. Eric Cantor will receive a not-so-warm welcome by hundreds of protesters at his appearance at the Wharton School of Business in Philadelphia toda ...

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