Category: The Issues

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Shepherd Powell: Respecting Seniors, Protecting Social Security

Shepherd Powell: Respecting Seniors, Protecting Social Security

Throughout my eight week-long internship to educate senior citizens about the importance of protecting Social Security, I’ve had a number of conversations with older Americans tha ...

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Dr. Lillis: Medicare, Our Deficit and Honesty

Dr. Lillis: Medicare, Our Deficit and Honesty

The following was originally posted on Progress Notes and was written by Dr. Chris Lillis, Fredericksburg Physician and Virginia Organizing Health Care Committee Member.By Dr. Chr ...

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Weston: Is Congress Listening on Social Security?

Weston: Is Congress Listening on Social Security?

On July 12, I joined a group of Virginia Organizing supporters, volunteers and board members on a trip to Washington DC to meet with staff from Senators Mark Warner’s and Jim Webb ...

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Thanks to Health Care Law: Birth Control Without Co-pay is Here!

Thanks to Health Care Law: Birth Control Without Co-pay is Here!

HHS announced it has adopted expert recommendations to require health insurers to cover contraception, along with many other preventive health services for women, without charging ...

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Weston: Social Security Education at the National Night Out in Norfolk

Weston: Social Security Education at the National Night Out in Norfolk

On Tuesday night, August 2, people all over the United States participated in the 27th annual National Night Out. The nationwide event focuses on community awareness in crime prev ...

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Meet Alec

Meet Alec

Have you ever wondered how corporations seem to get everything they want from much of the legislation passed at the state level? Well, one shortcut corporate America has been usin ...

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Mitchell: America shouldn’t be a country where livelihoods are bargained for.

Mitchell: America shouldn’t be a country where livelihoods are bargained for.

With the average cost of a college education today being somewhere between $20,000 and $40,000 per year, imagine putting four children through college by yourself.  Even for ...

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Sandra Cook on the Debt Ceiling: We Will Not Quietly Submit

Sandra Cook on the Debt Ceiling: We Will Not Quietly Submit

Frustrated. Furious. Fed up. I don’t know about you, but I am disgusted about what is going on in Washington with the debt ceiling. Like most Americans, I have followed ...

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Williams: Cuts Would Hurt Women Disproportionately

Williams: Cuts Would Hurt Women Disproportionately

Throughout my life, I have always had the desire to work with women in the promotion of economic equality.  When I learned about the work Virginia Organizing was doing surrounding ...

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Shepherd Powell: Bad Debt Ceiling Deals Have Southwest Seniors “Cussin” Congress

Shepherd Powell: Bad Debt Ceiling Deals Have Southwest Seniors “Cussin” Congress

In talking to senior citizens in southwest Virginia about the importance of protecting social security, I think it is the worried look in the eyes of these older Americans that ge ...

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