Category: The Issues

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We Won the Housing Virginia 2010 Media Award!

We Won the Housing Virginia 2010 Media Award!

Virginia Organizing and the Providence Mobile Home Park residents were the recipients of the Housing Virginia 2010 Media Award. Recognition and a $500 cash award were presented to ...

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Dr. Lillis: Have you been feeling the creep?

Dr. Lillis: Have you been feeling the creep?

It’s December again, which means many of us are about to see changes in our health insurance policies.  Unfortunately, the picture this year isn’t pretty.  S ...

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New Affordable Care Act rules give consumers better value for insurance premiums

New Affordable Care Act rules give consumers better value for insurance premiums

New medical loss ratio regulations make insurance marketplace more transparent and require insurers to spend premium dollars on care New regulations issued today by the Depar ...

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Face the Truth: Racial Profiling Across America

Face the Truth: Racial Profiling Across America

"Face the Truth: Racial Profiling Across America” is a powerful documentary produced by Breakthrough and the Rights Working Group featuring stories of individuals affec ...

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How the Health Care Law Helps You!

How the Health Care Law Helps You!

Learn about the new health care law and tell your friends and family!Key Benefits for VirginiaProvide tax credits for up to 99,565 Virginia small businesses to help make coverage ...

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The $700 Billion Question

The $700 Billion Question

$700 billion more for millionaires? Or fix the country?  Congress will decide this month. For the cost of the $700 billion tax cuts for the richest 2%, every U.S. teenager co ...

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Tell Congress to End the Millionaire Bailout and Help the Unemployed

Tell Congress to End the Millionaire Bailout and Help the Unemployed

Voters turned out on November 2 in high numbers to demand that the economy be fixed. It starts with a jobs agenda – extending unemployment benefits, ending tax cuts for mill ...

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Health Care Law 101: Understanding the Afforable Care Act

Health Care Law 101: Understanding the Afforable Care Act

  Virginia Health Care Law Power PointView more presentations from VAOrganizing. ...

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Virginia Organizing Tax and Budget Workshop

Virginia Organizing Tax and Budget Workshop

The Virginia Organizing Tax and Budget worshop dimystifies the complex state budget and explains how the state's tax structure works. In plain English, the workshop outlines w ...

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Mortgage Foreclosure Fraud Rampant in VA

Mortgage Foreclosure Fraud Rampant in VA

 RICHMOND, Va. - Kicking someone when they're already down - it's happening all over the state to folks who are losing their homes when they probably shouldn't be ...

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