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Friday, Nov 4: Occupy The Kochs Guerrilla Drive In

Friday, Nov 4: Occupy The Kochs Guerrilla Drive In

Get ready for the best Koch Drive-In yet!What:The Koch's main front group, Americans for Prosperity (AFP), is hosting a gala at the Washington Convention Center in DC. Outside hundreds (maybe even ...

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Virginia Organizing October 2011 Newsletter

Virginia Organizing October 2011 Newsletter

VirginiaOrganizingOctoberNewsletter.pdf ...

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TOOLKIT: MoveOurMoney/VirginiaOrganizingToolkit

TOOLKIT: MoveOurMoney/VirginiaOrganizingToolkit

VirginiaOrganizing-MoveOurMoneyToolkit.pdfVirginia Organizing is part of the New Bottom Line, a coaltion of organization nationwide that is working with congregations, unions, and community organizati ...

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VIDEO: Bank of America’s Trick or Treat Predatory Lending Scheme

VIDEO: Bank of America’s Trick or Treat Predatory Lending Scheme

Happy Halloween!  There is nothing spookier than the big banks profiting off of millions of illegal foreclosures, taking billions of dollars in taxpayer funded bailouts and then funding predatory ...

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Virginia Organizing October 2011 Newsletter

Virginia Organizing October 2011 Newsletter

Occupy the Polls on November 8!Don’t forget every year is an election year in Virginia. Wall Street and the big banks have their allies in Washington but they also spend a lot of time lobbying m ...

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Virginians Hurt by Discriminatory Mortgage Practices

Virginians Hurt by Discriminatory Mortgage Practices

Crossposted on Take Me Home VirginiaA mortgage company from Midlothian VA has recently settled with the U.S. Justice Department because of discriminatory mortgage practices:C&F charged greater int ...

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McWhorter: Taking Cantor Out of His Comfort Zone

McWhorter: Taking Cantor Out of His Comfort Zone

Ladelle McWhorter serves as vice chair of the state governing board of Virginia Organizing. When she is not fighting for social justice with Virginia Organizing, she is the James Thomas Professor in P ...

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Dee Jacobson: October 2011 Leader of the Month

Dee Jacobson: October 2011 Leader of the Month

When Dee Jacobson of Orange County heard that her often-illusive congressman Eric Cantor would be speaking on income inequality at UPENN, she immediately signed up to carpool to Philadelphia. Dee drop ...

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Americans for Prosperity Spotsy Strip Mall “Rally”: Bravely defending the 1 percent, until Krogers needs the parking spaces.

Americans for Prosperity Spotsy Strip Mall “Rally”: Bravely defending the 1 percent, until Krogers needs the parking spaces.

Crossposted at Blue Virginia On Tuesday evening, a group of Virginia Organizing members attended an Americans for Prosperity-sponsored rally in Spotsylvania. The event wasn’t publicized; someone ...

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Ehrenthal: The Dangerous Myth of Supply Side Economics

Ehrenthal: The Dangerous Myth of Supply Side Economics

During the late 1940's and 1950s, a vibrant middle class developed in the United States. Manufacturing grew and prospered and so did the workers who were making a living wage and therefore creating a ...

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