Category: Leader

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Kevin Wilson: January/February 2013 Leader of the Month

Kevin Wilson: January/February 2013 Leader of the Month

Kevin Wilson, owner of Sticky ToGoGo in Richmond, Va., has been involved with Virginia Organizing for about a year and a half now. Kevin is most interested in health care, educati ...

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Jacqueline Lewis: December 2012/January 2013 Leader of the Month

Jacqueline Lewis: December 2012/January 2013 Leader of the Month

Two years ago, Jacqueline Lewis went to a health care forum in Fredericksburg hosted by Virginia Organizing  because she wanted “just the facts” of the Affordable ...

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Kristy Lautenbach: November/December Leader of the Month

Kristy Lautenbach: November/December Leader of the Month

Kristy Lautenbach has been a Danville Chapter member since August 2012 and has already done so much work with Virginia Organizing!In November, Kristy was one of a small group of V ...

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Fernando Perez: October/November Leader of the Month

Fernando Perez: October/November Leader of the Month

Fernando Perez is a Harrisonburg Chapter leader and has been a part of Virginia Organizing since the summer of 2011. Fernando had an interest in human rights and wanted to serve h ...

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Maria Fornella-Oehninger: September/October Leader of the Month

Maria Fornella-Oehninger: September/October Leader of the Month

Maria Fornella-Oehninger began her work with Virginia Organizing two and a half years ago after the atmosphere for immigrants in Virginia Beach became hostile. She currently serve ...

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Catherine Fitzgerald: August/September Leader of the Month

Catherine Fitzgerald: August/September Leader of the Month

Catherine Fitzgerald is a Danville Chapter leader and has been working on numerous campaigns with Virginia Organizing. She has been an outspoken advocate for the Affordable Care A ...

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Kate Rosenfield: July/August Leader of the Month

Kate Rosenfield: July/August Leader of the Month

Kate Rosenfield of Charlottesville has been a loyal Virginia Organizing leader for many years, and has volunteered her time with the state budget and tax committee to work toward ...

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Linda and Eric Christenson: March 2012 Leaders of the Month

Linda and Eric Christenson: March 2012 Leaders of the Month

At the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court, Linda and Eric Christenson shared their story to show the need to protect the Medicaid expansion in the Affordable Care ...

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Dave Reading: January 2012 Leader of the Month

Dave Reading: January 2012 Leader of the Month

Dave is an invaluable volunteer in the Charlottesville office. After moving to Virginia two years ago, he looked around for an organization that shared his views and desire to bri ...

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Stan Maclin: December 2011 Leader of the Month

Stan Maclin: December 2011 Leader of the Month

Stan Maclin is leading the way in Harrisonburg by fighting anti-immigrant legislation and encouraging diverse groups to come to the table, literally. Recently, the Harrisonburg Vi ...

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