Category: Economic Justice

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  • Supreme Court Ruling Delivers Good News for Virginians

    Supreme Court Ruling Delivers Good News for Virginians

    Richmond, Va.— The Supreme Court has upheld the constitutionality of the funding method Congress chose for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), allowing a vital ag ...

  • Power Analysis 2024

    Power Analysis 2024

    “We are the little engine that became a locomotive,” said Board member Jay Johnson. We were delighted to convene for our annual Power Analysis again this year in Massanetta Springs ...

  • Take Action on Utility Shutoffs!

    Take Action on Utility Shutoffs!

    Thanks in part to the action you took, legislators passed HB 906 and SB 480 during this General Assembly session, stopping utilities from shutting off customers’ power, gas, and wa ...

  • Take action on the Draft Priority Climate Action Plan

    Take action on the Draft Priority Climate Action Plan

    Do you want to reduce greenhouse gases and improve housing throughout Virginia? Virginia's Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is requesting feedback on its Draft Priority Cl ...

Letter to Bank of America: You’re on Notice, See you In Charlotte.

Letter to Bank of America: You’re on Notice, See you In Charlotte.

Today, Virginia Organizing leaders attempted to the deliver the following letter to the Charlottesville branch manager. The mananger kindly refused so the group went to the neares ...

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Brown: An Afternoon With VP Biden on the SOTU

Brown: An Afternoon With VP Biden on the SOTU

“We can restore an economy where everyone gets a fair shot, does their fair shave, and plays by the same sets of rules”—President ObamaAs a member of the State G ...

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Victory on UI and Payroll Tax Cut, Virginia Organizing at White House

Victory on UI and Payroll Tax Cut, Virginia Organizing at White House

Yesterday the obstructionists in the House of Representatives finally announced they'd join a majority of senators from both political parties to renew unemployment benefits a ...

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Breaking up with Bank of America: Michele’s story

Breaking up with Bank of America: Michele’s story

Over the last several months Virginia Organizing has joined the campaign Move Our Money USA in moving $57 million away from the big banks into credit unions and small banks.We hav ...

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No More Mr. Potter: Virginians Moving Money out of Big Banks

No More Mr. Potter: Virginians Moving Money out of Big Banks

The 1946 film "It's a Wonderful life," which starred Jimmy Stewart, has become an American Christmas classic. For hundreds of Virginians, one of the film's lesso ...

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Ehrenthal: The House is Playing Reindeer Games with Unemployment & Middle Class Tax Cut

Ehrenthal: The House is Playing Reindeer Games with Unemployment & Middle Class Tax Cut

Once again the House of Representatives, led by the radical conservative bloc is holding up a needed tax break for most working Americans. After crafting a compromise budget bill ...

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The face of the unemployed

The face of the unemployed

 Today USAction helped put a face to unemployment in America. Amid a flurry of press coverage, including not one but two advance mentions in the New York Times, we relea ...

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Ehrenthal: Pepper Spray is Not Food and Occupy is Not Ambiguous

Ehrenthal: Pepper Spray is Not Food and Occupy is Not Ambiguous

As Yogi Berra is purported to have said, “It’s like Deja Vous all over again”.  Watching the treatment of those assembling in protest for the Occupy movement brings me back to the ...

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VIDEO: Thanks Bank of America!

VIDEO: Thanks Bank of America!

Virginia Organizing is continuing to call on Virginians to MoveOurMoney from the big banks and into credit unions and small banks. Last Friday, our S. Hampton Roads supporters div ...

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Thursday, Nov. 17, Join us to Declare an Economic Emergeny for the 99%

Thursday, Nov. 17, Join us to Declare an Economic Emergeny for the 99%

Enough is enough—we can’t wait any longer. Three years after Wall Street wrecked our economy, 25 million people are still unable to find full-time work and the scandal ...

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