Category: Economic Justice

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  • Supreme Court Ruling Delivers Good News for Virginians

    Supreme Court Ruling Delivers Good News for Virginians

    Richmond, Va.— The Supreme Court has upheld the constitutionality of the funding method Congress chose for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), allowing a vital ag ...

  • Power Analysis 2024

    Power Analysis 2024

    “We are the little engine that became a locomotive,” said Board member Jay Johnson. We were delighted to convene for our annual Power Analysis again this year in Massanetta Springs ...

  • Take Action on Utility Shutoffs!

    Take Action on Utility Shutoffs!

    Thanks in part to the action you took, legislators passed HB 906 and SB 480 during this General Assembly session, stopping utilities from shutting off customers’ power, gas, and wa ...

  • Take action on the Draft Priority Climate Action Plan

    Take action on the Draft Priority Climate Action Plan

    Do you want to reduce greenhouse gases and improve housing throughout Virginia? Virginia's Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is requesting feedback on its Draft Priority Cl ...

TOOLKIT: MoveOurMoney/VirginiaOrganizing Divest from the Big Banks

TOOLKIT: MoveOurMoney/VirginiaOrganizing Divest from the Big Banks

Virginia Organizing has joined with the New Bottom Line, a coaltion or organizations nationwide, in working with congregations, unions, and community organizations across the coun ...

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McWhorter: Taking Cantor Out of His Comfort Zone

McWhorter: Taking Cantor Out of His Comfort Zone

Ladelle McWhorter serves as vice chair of the state governing board of Virginia Organizing. When she is not fighting for social justice with Virginia Organizing, she is the James ...

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Americans for Prosperity Spotsy Strip Mall “Rally”: Bravely defending the 1 percent, until Krogers needs the parking spaces.

Americans for Prosperity Spotsy Strip Mall “Rally”: Bravely defending the 1 percent, until Krogers needs the parking spaces.

Crossposted at Blue Virginia On Tuesday evening, a group of Virginia Organizing members attended an Americans for Prosperity-sponsored rally in Spotsylvania. The event wasn’ ...

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VIDEO: Cantor running scared

VIDEO: Cantor running scared

Have you heard about Representative Eric Cantor canceling his speech is Philadelphia?As you know, Rep. Cantor rarely holds public meetings and it’s clear that he cares a lot ...

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Rolling Out the Un-Welcome Mat for Cantor in Philly

Rolling Out the Un-Welcome Mat for Cantor in Philly

Cross-posted at Blue VirginiaRep. Eric Cantor will receive a not-so-warm welcome by hundreds of protesters at his appearance at the Wharton School of Business in Philadelphia toda ...

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“It’s not me, it’s you.” Breaking up with the big banks.

“It’s not me, it’s you.” Breaking up with the big banks.

Wall Street and the big banks crashed our economy, destroyed jobs, caused millions to lose their homes, bankrupted city and state budgets and refused to pay their fair share of wh ...

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Take Your Money Out of the BIG BANKS!

Take Your Money Out of the BIG BANKS!

Over the next several months, Virginians will gather and divest (remove the money from and close their accounts) from Wells Fargo, Bank of American and Chase to send the message t ...

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JOIN US! Friday @ 1:30pm, Virginia Organizing Calls on Charlottesville to Divest from the Big Banks

JOIN US! Friday @ 1:30pm, Virginia Organizing Calls on Charlottesville to Divest from the Big Banks

 Beginning With Wells Fargo on Friday, Residents to Close Accounts in Protest of Bailouts, Illegal Foreclosures and Corporate Money in PoliticsCHARLOTTESVILLE- Inspired by th ...

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We’ve Had Enough! Big Bank Divestment Pledge

We’ve Had Enough! Big Bank Divestment Pledge

In the last decade, the big banks have taken too much and given back too little in return.  Through their lobbyists and huge campaign donations, they want even more power to ...

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Ehrenthal: L’est we forget: TARP, Tarbell and Triangle

Ehrenthal: L’est we forget: TARP, Tarbell and Triangle

Today is the three-year anniversary of TARP, the $700 billion bank bailout passed at the height of the financial crisis in 2008. Even though no one actually liked TARP, including ...

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