Category: The Issues

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“It’s not me, it’s you.” Breaking up with the big banks.

“It’s not me, it’s you.” Breaking up with the big banks.

Wall Street and the big banks crashed our economy, destroyed jobs, caused millions to lose their homes, bankrupted city and state budgets and refused to pay their fair share of wh ...

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Take Your Money Out of the BIG BANKS!

Take Your Money Out of the BIG BANKS!

Over the next several months, Virginians will gather and divest (remove the money from and close their accounts) from Wells Fargo, Bank of American and Chase to send the message t ...

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JOIN US! Friday @ 1:30pm, Virginia Organizing Calls on Charlottesville to Divest from the Big Banks

JOIN US! Friday @ 1:30pm, Virginia Organizing Calls on Charlottesville to Divest from the Big Banks

 Beginning With Wells Fargo on Friday, Residents to Close Accounts in Protest of Bailouts, Illegal Foreclosures and Corporate Money in PoliticsCHARLOTTESVILLE- Inspired by th ...

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Fairfax County 2011 General Assembly Candidate Forum Saturday, October 15, 9:00 am

Fairfax County 2011 General Assembly Candidate Forum Saturday, October 15, 9:00 am

Fairfax 2011 General Assembly Candidate ForumForum Aims to Bring Social and Economic Justice Issues to the Forefront of the 2011 Campaign Season Fairfax, VA-As the Virginia stateh ...

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We’ve Had Enough! Big Bank Divestment Pledge

We’ve Had Enough! Big Bank Divestment Pledge

In the last decade, the big banks have taken too much and given back too little in return.  Through their lobbyists and huge campaign donations, they want even more power to ...

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Dr. Lillis Freelance Star Op-ed: The Affordable Care Act Fixing our Broken System

Dr. Lillis Freelance Star Op-ed: The Affordable Care Act Fixing our Broken System

Dr. Chris Lillis has been a stalwart Virginia Organizing supporter and has been an active member of our Health Care Reform Committee. Dr. Lillis is a family physican in Fredericks ...

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VIDEO: Wendell Potter in VA Beach, “Health care law already saving the lives of millions”

VIDEO: Wendell Potter in VA Beach, “Health care law already saving the lives of millions”

Virginia Organizing, Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy and Empower Hampton Roads were prompted to hold the "Real Dialogue on Health Care" forum because they feel that m ...

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It’s the Social Security Showdown in Frederickburg!

It’s the Social Security Showdown in Frederickburg!

It's a shame! Several Presidential candidates don't know the difference between a criminal stealing billions from investors and a wildly popular program that keeps million ...

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Ehrenthal: L’est we forget: TARP, Tarbell and Triangle

Ehrenthal: L’est we forget: TARP, Tarbell and Triangle

Today is the three-year anniversary of TARP, the $700 billion bank bailout passed at the height of the financial crisis in 2008. Even though no one actually liked TARP, including ...

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Join Congressman Connolly for Forum on Medicare and Social Security

Join Congressman Connolly for Forum on Medicare and Social Security

 Congressman Gerry Connolly hosts an informative panel on the future of Social Security and Medicare. · Joanne Grossi, Department of Health and Human Services · ...

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