Category: The Issues

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Tell Us Your Immigration Story: W&M Students Speak out for Immigrants Rights through Campus Video Project

Tell Us Your Immigration Story: W&M Students Speak out for Immigrants Rights through Campus Video Project

William and Mary students will hold a campus video event for immigrant rights on Wednesday, February 2 from 2:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. in the University Center (Lodge 1). The William and ...

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Virginia Organizing Mary Washington Chapter  Joins Virginia United for Immigrants Rights for  “Week of Action for Progress, Fairness, and Security”

Virginia Organizing Mary Washington Chapter Joins Virginia United for Immigrants Rights for “Week of Action for Progress, Fairness, and Security”

University of Mary Washington students will hold a campus march for immigrant rights on Wednesday, February 2 at 12:30 p.m. at the Bell Tower. The Mary Washington Chapter of Virgi ...

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History of SCOTUS Upholding Important Legislation

History of SCOTUS Upholding Important Legislation

Lower Courts Struck Down Social Security, Voting Rights Act, Civil Rights Act and Minimum Wage Before SCOTUS Upheld ThemFrom: Think Progress ...

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On the Florida Health Care Ruling: Now the Right Likes Activist Judges?

On the Florida Health Care Ruling: Now the Right Likes Activist Judges?

Federal Judge Roger Vinson of Florida ruled today that the "mandate" provision of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) violates the Commerce Clause of th ...

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Take Action: Critical Votes on Predatory Lending Tomorrow!

Take Action: Critical Votes on Predatory Lending Tomorrow!

Predatory lending continues to be a focus of the 2011 Virginia General Assembly session and we have a chance to make real progress. Once again our elected officials have an opport ...

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Join us Thursday to Speak Out Against Cantor’s Health Care Repeal Vote

Join us Thursday to Speak Out Against Cantor’s Health Care Repeal Vote

 Join Us to Ask Cantor to End the “Political Theater”And Not Deny Young People Health CareFollowing Wednesday’s vote on repealing the Affordable Care Act (A ...

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Felon Disenfranchisement in Virginia

Felon Disenfranchisement in Virginia

Virginia Organizing supports legislation that authorizes the General Assembly, in addition to the authority of the Governor, to provide by law for the automatic restoration of civ ...

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TAKE ACTION TODAY! Continue the Ban on New Electronic Voting Machines (DREs)

TAKE ACTION TODAY! Continue the Ban on New Electronic Voting Machines (DREs)

The following action alert is from our allies on the Verifiable Voting Coalition. For more information about the coaltion, cliick here. Preserve Fair and Accurate Elections in Vir ...

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REPORT: “How can we be equal when there is an economic divide between races?”

REPORT: “How can we be equal when there is an economic divide between races?”

In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, United for a Fair Economy released a new report today showing that conservative attacks on government, public sector workers, social safet ...

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Infant mortality in Virginia

Infant mortality in Virginia

Recently the Virginian Pilot ran an excellent story by Elizabeth Simpson on infant mortality in Virginia and the factors that race, economic status and geography play in the healt ...

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