Category: The Issues

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Social Security Means Nearly $20 Billion a Year for Virginians

Social Security Means Nearly $20 Billion a Year for Virginians

Originally posted by the Public News Service on August 29, 2014by Dan Heyman, Public News Service - VARICHMOND, Va. - At the ripe old age of 79, Social Security is helping Virgini ...

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Celebrate Women’s Equality Day!

Celebrate Women’s Equality Day!

Today is Women’s Equality Day! In honor of this day, Virginia Organizing and our allies across the country are calling for policies that work for women and families. We need ...

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Facts About Immigration and U.S. Policy

Facts About Immigration and U.S. Policy

Published by the Economic Policy InstituteBy Daniel Costa, David Cooper, and Heidi Shierholz | August 12, 2014While immigration is among the most important iss ...

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New York Times Editorial: Mr. Obama, Your Move

New York Times Editorial: Mr. Obama, Your Move

Posted on August 9 by the New York Times Editorial BoardSometime in late summer, if predictions are right, President Obama will use his executive authority to protect many unautho ...

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Early Signs Medicaid Expansion Works Where It’s Tried

Early Signs Medicaid Expansion Works Where It’s Tried

Dan Heyman, Public News Service-VA(08/04/14) RICHMOND, Va. – Signs suggest Medicaid expansion is working much as promised where it's been tried. The numbers are still coming in, b ...

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Talk is Cheap, Tax Preferences Aren’t

Talk is Cheap, Tax Preferences Aren’t

Posted on The Half Sheet on July 31, 2014By Emily UseltonSpending cuts are the go-to when it comes to closing a budget shortfall in Virginia. But there is another pathway: reformi ...

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Harrisonburg Chapter Action Update!

Harrisonburg Chapter Action Update!

Our Harrisonburg Chapter stood up for immigration reform yesterday by presenting a backbone to U.S. Representative Bob Goodlatte's staff to encourage him to have courage and suppo ...

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Harrisonburg Chapter Leaders Need Your Help!

Harrisonburg Chapter Leaders Need Your Help!

Virginia Organizing leaders in Harrisonburg are turning up the heat on U.S. Representative and House Judiciary Chairperson Bob Goodlatte!Constituents marched to Representative Goo ...

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Let’s Encourage President Obama to Take Action

Let’s Encourage President Obama to Take Action

Congress will soon leave for a five-week vacation. But that does not mean that we can’t make some progress on immigration reform while they are away! President Barack Obama i ...

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A Sudden Push for Felon Voting Rights in a Most Unlikely Place

A Sudden Push for Felon Voting Rights in a Most Unlikely Place

Published in The Root on July 24, 2014Right now there is a stream of legislation on Capitol Hill that could open the door to restoration of the vote for millions of disenfranchise ...

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