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2014 Grassroots Gathering Workshop Descriptions

2014 Grassroots Gathering Workshop Descriptions

Virginia Organizing Grassroots Gathering.pdf ...

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Eunice Haigler: August 2014 Leader of the Month

Eunice Haigler: August 2014 Leader of the Month

Eunice Haigler became interested in Virginia Organizing because of criminal justice work and Medicaid expansion. Eunice is one of the 400,000 people who would benefit from Medicaid expansion. She now ...

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It’s Amazing!

It’s Amazing!

Virginia Organizing will be participating in the 2014 Amazing Raise! The Amazing Raise is a large, online fundraiser that helps non-profits raise money for their work.Here’s how it works—supporters ma ...

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New York Times Editorial: Mr. Obama, Your Move

New York Times Editorial: Mr. Obama, Your Move

Posted on August 9 by the New York Times Editorial BoardSometime in late summer, if predictions are right, President Obama will use his executive authority to protect many unauthorized immigrants from ...

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Andrea Jackson: June/July 2012 Leader of the Month

Andrea Jackson: June/July 2012 Leader of the Month

Andrea Jackson was introduced to Virginia Organizing as a college student attending a “Dismantling Racism” workshop and has been an active leader in Waynesboro since October 2011. During t ...

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Early Signs Medicaid Expansion Works Where It’s Tried

Early Signs Medicaid Expansion Works Where It’s Tried

Dan Heyman, Public News Service-VA(08/04/14) RICHMOND, Va. – Signs suggest Medicaid expansion is working much as promised where it's been tried. The numbers are still coming in, but Medicaid expansion ...

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Talk is Cheap, Tax Preferences Aren’t

Talk is Cheap, Tax Preferences Aren’t

Posted on The Half Sheet on July 31, 2014By Emily UseltonSpending cuts are the go-to when it comes to closing a budget shortfall in Virginia. But there is another pathway: reforming or eliminating tax ...

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Harrisonburg Chapter Action Update!

Harrisonburg Chapter Action Update!

Our Harrisonburg Chapter stood up for immigration reform yesterday by presenting a backbone to U.S. Representative Bob Goodlatte's staff to encourage him to have courage and support immigration reform ...

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Virginia Small Business Update # 82

Virginia Small Business Update # 82

The struggle over Medicaid expansion in Virginia has had many twists and turns, but it is continuing.  Recent events in the struggle include a budget crisis, the controversial resignation of ...

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