Category: The Issues

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Justice Thomas’s Virginia Conflict of Interest

Justice Thomas’s Virginia Conflict of Interest

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has significant conflicts of interest that make it impossible for him to render a fair, impartial decision in the health care case being ...

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Virginia’s Health Council Finds Reform Will Cut Uninsured In Half, Reduce Uncompensated Care Costs

Virginia’s Health Council Finds Reform Will Cut Uninsured In Half, Reduce Uncompensated Care Costs

Originially posted at Think ProgressBy: Igor VolskyVirginia Gov. Bob McDonnell (R) is a strong opponent of President Obama’s Affordable Care Act, claiming that the “un ...

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Ehrenthal: Pepper Spray is Not Food and Occupy is Not Ambiguous

Ehrenthal: Pepper Spray is Not Food and Occupy is Not Ambiguous

As Yogi Berra is purported to have said, “It’s like Deja Vous all over again”.  Watching the treatment of those assembling in protest for the Occupy movement brings me back to the ...

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VIDEO: Thanks Bank of America!

VIDEO: Thanks Bank of America!

Virginia Organizing is continuing to call on Virginians to MoveOurMoney from the big banks and into credit unions and small banks. Last Friday, our S. Hampton Roads supporters div ...

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ProgressVA Awards Governor McDonnell “Turkey-of-the-Year” Honor

ProgressVA Awards Governor McDonnell “Turkey-of-the-Year” Honor

Award recognizes his use of budget gimmicks, cuts to education, public safety and social service programs, and refusal to take a balanced approach to Virginia’s budget defic ...

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Thursday, Nov. 17, Join us to Declare an Economic Emergeny for the 99%

Thursday, Nov. 17, Join us to Declare an Economic Emergeny for the 99%

Enough is enough—we can’t wait any longer. Three years after Wall Street wrecked our economy, 25 million people are still unable to find full-time work and the scandal ...

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Take action today: don’t let big insurance rob us of $1 billion

Take action today: don’t let big insurance rob us of $1 billion

State insurance regulators are threatening to gut the new rule in the health reform law that keeps insurance premiums in check. This rule, called the medical loss ratio (MLR), req ...

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Health Care Reform Implementation Update

Health Care Reform Implementation Update

As part of the Affordable Care Act, states have the option to set up a Health Benefits Exchange in order to provide more affordable care for their citizens, or they can rely on th ...

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Whose ‘Worst Nightmare’?

Whose ‘Worst Nightmare’?

Preston Knight November 11, 2011  Gustavo Maldonado Jr. is nearing a rite of passage that most teens can’t wait to complet ...

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Social Security Cuts: Greatest Impact on Rural VA

Social Security Cuts: Greatest Impact on Rural VA

America's small towns would be hit hardest by any cuts in Social Security, according to a new analysis by the Center for Rural Strategies, posted on the rural news website the Dai ...

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