Category: The Issues

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HCAN Partners Go to Four Health Insurance Co. Shareholder Meetings to Demand Transparency, Accountability

HCAN Partners Go to Four Health Insurance Co. Shareholder Meetings to Demand Transparency, Accountability

With for-profit health insurers secretly spending millions to buy GOP support for anti-consumer legislation, activists demanded transparency and accountability at the companies ...

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No premiums for politics…Why we were kicked out of Coventry.

No premiums for politics…Why we were kicked out of Coventry.

Yesterday morning a dozen Virginia community activists rolled out of bed very early to drop by the Ritz Carlton on their way to work. All before 9:00 am, this group was thrown out ...

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Help us hold big insurance accountable in McClean this Thursday!!

Help us hold big insurance accountable in McClean this Thursday!!

We need your help to keep holding big insurance companies accountable in Virginia!  THIS Thursday (May 19) at 8am Coventry Health Care (the nation's 6th largest insurer) ...

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VIDEO: Norfolk Hands Off Our Social Security Action

VIDEO: Norfolk Hands Off Our Social Security Action

On May 12, Virginians stood up against cuts to Social Security benefits, raising the retirement age, turning Medicare over to insurance companies and slashing Medicaid for seniors ...

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Virginia Organizing and Families USA Speak Out Tuesday On Cuccinelli Health Care Trial

Virginia Organizing and Families USA Speak Out Tuesday On Cuccinelli Health Care Trial

     Families USA and Virginia Organizing Hold Two Richmond News Conferences Around Health Care Lawsuit Hearing  Richmond, VA-The United States Court ...

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Happy Mother’s Day! Join us in saving Medicare for the next generation.

Happy Mother’s Day! Join us in saving Medicare for the next generation.

 This weekend, show you support Medicare for the next generation by posting a Mother’s Day picture Can a mother’s silence be bought? We don’t think so, ...

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VA’s Outrage Over Vote to Slash Medicare Will Not Be Heard By Congress

VA’s Outrage Over Vote to Slash Medicare Will Not Be Heard By Congress

We are hearing from community members who are outraged at Ryan's "Coupon Care" proposal. But most of Virginia's leaders in Congress who voted for the proposal, h ...

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Virginia payday lenders made 9.2 million illegal loans

Virginia payday lenders made 9.2 million illegal loans

Add the Virginia Supreme Court to the list of organizations and individuals that understand payday lenders are peddling family-crushing debt. The Virginia Supreme Court ruled last ...

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SCOTUS Says No to Cuccinelli Fast Track

SCOTUS Says No to Cuccinelli Fast Track

Attorney General Cuccinelli's hopes to fast track his health care lawsuit died a certain death this morning. According to the Hill's Health Watch... The Supreme Court anno ...

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Virginia Civic Engagement Table April Newsletter

Virginia Civic Engagement Table April Newsletter

Virginia Civic Engagement Table April NewsletterFriend on FacebookForward to a FriendHello Julie! The Virginia Civic Engagement Table helps grassroots organizations win shared pol ...

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