Category: Chapters

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Ehrenthal: Understanding Medicare

Ehrenthal: Understanding Medicare

With all of the controversy surrounding proposed cuts to Medicare, it would be a good idea to understand just what Medicare is, and is not. Medicare is a medical payment program t ...

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Ehrenthal: Social Security Follies

Ehrenthal: Social Security Follies

There is a serious movement in Congress to raise the age of eligibility for receiving Social Security. Social Securiy benefits are solvent for thirty years and then after that poi ...

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Ehrenthal: Southern Fried America

Ehrenthal: Southern Fried America

Since I became interested in history and specifically the “Civil War”, I tried to understand why tens of thousands of poor whites supported the “rebel” cause. Most Southerners own ...

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Jenn Peterson, Finding Real Solutions

Jenn Peterson, Finding Real Solutions

Jenn Peterson, the 2010 summer volunteer intern for the South Hampton Road's Chapter of Virginia Organizing, is literally making waves and big changes to the way Brown Bay Island ...

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Ehrenthal: Social Darwinism Today

Ehrenthal: Social Darwinism Today

Many years ago Richard Hofstadter wrote a book entitled Social Darwinism is American Thought. His study concentrated on the effect of Herbert Spenser's writings on Americans. Spen ...

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VIDEO: Star Tek, The Final Insult

VIDEO: Star Tek, The Final Insult

Is there anything better than Star Trek parodies? Check out this enterprising (pun intended!) video on Virginia's job situation by Jim Nolan of the Richmond Times Dispatch. Wh ...

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Money down the toilet: tens years of the Bush tax cuts

Money down the toilet: tens years of the Bush tax cuts

As debt ceiling debate continues, we are marking the tenth anniversary of the policy that created most of the federal budget gap: the Bush tax cuts. On July 7, 2001, George W. Bus ...

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VIDEO: Norfolk Hands Off Our Social Security Action

VIDEO: Norfolk Hands Off Our Social Security Action

On May 12, Virginians stood up against cuts to Social Security benefits, raising the retirement age, turning Medicare over to insurance companies and slashing Medicaid for seniors ...

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VIDEO: UACT Community Organizing Spring Break in Danville

VIDEO: UACT Community Organizing Spring Break in Danville

The week of March 13, the Danville chapter of Virginia Organizing welcomed 12 students from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Instead of spening time on the beach or hangin ...

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Norfolk “Make Them Pay” Tax Day Event

Norfolk “Make Them Pay” Tax Day Event

More than thirty people from MoveON , Virginia Organizing and other local allies came out for a “Tax Day- Make Them Pay” action in front of Bank of America in Norfolk on April 18t ...

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