Category: Economic Justice

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  • Supreme Court Ruling Delivers Good News for Virginians

    Supreme Court Ruling Delivers Good News for Virginians

    Richmond, Va.— The Supreme Court has upheld the constitutionality of the funding method Congress chose for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), allowing a vital ag ...

  • Power Analysis 2024

    Power Analysis 2024

    “We are the little engine that became a locomotive,” said Board member Jay Johnson. We were delighted to convene for our annual Power Analysis again this year in Massanetta Springs ...

  • Take Action on Utility Shutoffs!

    Take Action on Utility Shutoffs!

    Thanks in part to the action you took, legislators passed HB 906 and SB 480 during this General Assembly session, stopping utilities from shutting off customers’ power, gas, and wa ...

  • Take action on the Draft Priority Climate Action Plan

    Take action on the Draft Priority Climate Action Plan

    Do you want to reduce greenhouse gases and improve housing throughout Virginia? Virginia's Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is requesting feedback on its Draft Priority Cl ...

Friday September 9 in Richmond: Tell Cantor and Obama: We Need Jobs!

Friday September 9 in Richmond: Tell Cantor and Obama: We Need Jobs!

As you probably know, President Obama will be in Richmond this Friday to talk about his jobs plan. Not to be outdone, Rep. Cantor announced a jobs event for the same day. Virginia ...

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Ehrenthal: De-regulation is not a jobs plan

Ehrenthal: De-regulation is not a jobs plan

Last week House Majority Leader Eric Cantor released a jobs plan memo, which includes very little about actual job creation. The memo focuses on deregulation across the board and ...

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Corey: Despite crisis, housing costs increased for over a million Virginians

Corey: Despite crisis, housing costs increased for over a million Virginians

This is a guest post by Elisabeth Corey. Elisabeth has sixteen years of work experience in Finance and Information Technology with three major corporations. She received her Bache ...

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Ehrenthal: A Not So Happy Labor Day for the Unemployed

Ehrenthal: A Not So Happy Labor Day for the Unemployed

Today is Labor Day. Officially, unemployment is about 9.1 percent. The real level of unemployment and under employment is probably over 20 percent. Many of those whether unemploye ...

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VIDEO: Constituents Turned Away From Cantor’s “Public” Meeting Take Their Message Outside

VIDEO: Constituents Turned Away From Cantor’s “Public” Meeting Take Their Message Outside

In an rare appearance in his district, Rep. Cantor was met with more than 200 of his constituents who are angry with their congressman about his inattention to the jobs crisis, hi ...

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Hundreds Rally at Can’tor “Townhall” in Richmond

Hundreds Rally at Can’tor “Townhall” in Richmond

Where are the jobs, Rep. Cantor?Hundreds of Rep. Cantor's constituents tried to find out at Rep. Cantor's "Constituent Advisory Council" meeting tonight in Richm ...

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Strengthening property rights will improve our housing market

Strengthening property rights will improve our housing market

This is a guest post by Ali Faruk. Ali is the Director of the Center for Housing Leadership at Housing Opportunities Made Equal of Virginia (HOME). He holds a Master of Public Adm ...

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REPORT: Fixing Housing Crisis Would Pump $2 Billion into Virginia’s Economy and Create $29K Jobs in VA

REPORT: Fixing Housing Crisis Would Pump $2 Billion into Virginia’s Economy and Create $29K Jobs in VA

While Washington, D.C. gridlocks over job creation, The New Bottom Line has answers: by writing down all underwater mortgages to market value, the nation’s banks could pump ...

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Tea Party Downgrade

Tea Party Downgrade

Conservatives in Washington are working around the clock to try to shift the blame for Standard and Poor's first-in-history downgrade of the United States' credit rating.B ...

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Meet Alec

Meet Alec

Have you ever wondered how corporations seem to get everything they want from much of the legislation passed at the state level? Well, one shortcut corporate America has been usin ...

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